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Reasons why almost all treatments for plantar fasciitis don’t work and how you can truly become pain-free in the long run

A centuries-old technique called muscle scraping can alleviate your plantar fasciitis pain in as little as 3 days, helping you walk pain-free again
Written by Paula S.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023
Written by Paula S.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023

Reasons why almost all treatments for plantar fasciitis don’t work and how you can truly become pain-free in the long run

A centuries-old technique called muscle scraping can alleviate your plantar fasciitis pain in as little as 3 days, helping you walk pain-free again
Written by Paula S.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023
Written by Paula S.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023

Why traditional methods don't work

Jessica Tumney, a hobby runner from Ontario, Canada was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis 3 years ago.

Her injury has progressively gotten worse over the years. The pain is so unbearable that it has put her off work.

She has tried everything, but hasn’t been able to get rid of the pain completely.

Everything is a band-aid, or simply ineffective.

She's tried compression socks, custom orthotics, cortisone shots, rolling her feet on balls, hot/cold foot baths, elevating her feet while sleeping, laying on the floor with legs up the wall, vitamins, etc.

She even bought a massager and purchased a 3-month supply of specialized vitamins and minerals all promising to help her severe foot pain.

After many MRIs, ultrasounds, X-rays, and nerve tests on her legs, no one was able to help her overcome the unbearable pain.

Out of sheer desperation, she was on the verge of asking her doctor for surgery.

When she almost lost hope for natural recovery, she met Joline - who had been through plantar fasciitis and is now running full marathons again and enjoying life without debilitating pain.

Joline told her about the life-changing tool that helped her recover from plantar fasciitis: Sidekick’s Muscle Scraper.

Why Muscle Scraping is so effective

Treating plantar fasciitis pain as a symptom is not enough.

Although the name includes "-itis," which suggests inflammation, studies have proved that plantar fasciitis is actually a degenerative problem.

The tissues in your heel are deteriorating. The collagen fibers in your plantar fascia have broken down due to chronic overuse.

Because of this, treatments such as orthotics, stretching, and injections are usually unsuccessful.

To treat plantar fasciitis, you need to address the root cause with a method that supports collagen regeneration.

Injured collagen fibers
Healthy collagen fibers

This is exactly where the muscle scraping method comes in.

Muscle scraping is a physiotherapy technique that has been around for centuries.

It speeds up the healing process and provides immediate relief for people with plantar fasciitis.

It involves the use of a smooth-edged tool to apply pressure on the muscles in order to:

  • Stimulate new blood flow
  • New blood flow is rich with nutrients & oxygen that help support collagen repair. Read more.
  • Block pain signals to the brain, providing fast relief. Read more.

By increasing localized blood flow into the plantar fascia...

You will kick off your body's natural healing process and accelerate collagen regeneration in your foot.

Finally, a method that supports the healing process AND provides pain relief.

Limited stock


How Sidekick is changing the injury recovery game

Sidekick simultaneously treats the root cause of your injury while providing  instant pain relief. That’s probably one of the reasons customers love it so much!

Traditional Methods
Sidekick's Muscle Scraper
  • Not long-term solutions
  • Fights collagen degeneration
  • Invasive & painful
  • Non-invasive
  • Can cause more damage
  • Safe & effective edge
  • Takes time to kick in
  • Instant pain relief

You no longer have to "get used to" living with foot pain.

Can scraping be this effective?

In a recent clinical study, 93% of people reported a reduction in their plantar fascia pain after only 3 days of using their Sidekick muscle scraper*.

Here’s what they have to say.

Stephanie M, plantar fasciitis sufferer

"This is really well made, very durable. Even just the edge as well, they’ve done a bit more in-depth research into making that edge a bit more smooth but useful."

Tony B, plantar fasciitis for over 6 months

"Plantar fasciitis has given me a lot of pain and it’s a daily struggle ... so even just from day one, it looks like a really simple tool, but it was really effective."

Nicole L., plantar fasciitis for over a year

"I knew it was going to work, but I liked the edge because it didn’t look like it was going to scrape my foot off. It looked gentle, yet effective."

If you don’t get any relief, you can return it within 30 days. No questions asked. Full refund.

Sidekick are so confident in the quality of their Curve Muscle Scraper that they offer a 100% risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee.

Less than 1% of their customers ever take them up on this guarantee.

Real people, real results.

83% of the same respondents confirmed that they were able to return to their main activity after 5 days of using Sidekick.

93% of diagnosed plantar fasciitis sufferers reported a decrease in pain following 3 days of using Sidekick twice a day.

100% of the respondents said they wish they had heard of Sidekick sooner.

Rebecca W.

"If I’d have seen a tool used on me like that before, I probably would purchase something like it."

Ruthie D.

"What makes it really beneficial is that it’s such a small commitment. You can do it in bed, in your living room, or in the shower."

Rebecca W.

"If I’d have seen a tool used on me like that before, I probably would purchase something like it."

Ruthie D.

"What makes it really beneficial is that it’s such a small commitment. You can do it in bed, in your living room, or in the shower."

Get it while you still can

Sidekick’s Curve is the best-selling muscle scraping tool for plantar fasciitis sufferers. The word is out in the running community and bundles and stock have become limited.

The Curve Muscle Scraper is handcrafted with stone. Due to this, it’s difficult to make in large quantities. Grab your Curve tool before stock runs out.

How To Use For Plantar Fasciitis

3 steps, 5 minutes a day. Physio-level treatment at home.

Over 1,000 Five-Star Reviews

Michele S.
It really gets in there!
I have been using Sidekick on my feet. I have recurrent foot pain from collapsed arches, and nothing gets in there to break up the adhesions in the arch... until I brought the Curve home! I have been scraping my arch every night and my feet feel amazing. I can focus in on the specific connective tissue elements that are affected, and it feels amazing.
Kimberly D.
Great product!
I bought the curve scraper for my plantar fasciitis. Really helped the tissue break up. Use on other places now too.
Timothy S.
Game changer
Marathon season is here, long hard training runs always cause problems for my calves. This tool has helped me keep in peak shape so I can complete all my training with best effort! In the past I've had heel pain so bad I had to get shots in my foot! This year when the pain started to sit in I purchased this to help release my fascia. Saved me a lot of pain from having to get more injections! AWESOME!

All-In-One Package

Everything you need in one package.
Curve Muscle Scraper
Handmade Bian Stone
Cleansing Towel
Microfiber Towel To Wipe Excess Oil
Oasis Gel
All-Natural Emollient
Protector Case
Heavy-Duty Tool Protection

All-In-One Package

Everything you need in one package.
Curve Muscle Scraper
Handmade Bian Stone
Cleansing Towel
Microfiber Towel To Wipe Excess Oil
Oasis Gel
All-Natural Emollient
Protector Case
Heavy-Duty Tool Protection

Limited stock.
Get your relief kit today.


All-In-One Package

Everything you need in one package.
Curve Muscle Scraper
Handmade Bian Stone
Cleansing Towel
Microfiber Towel To Wipe Excess Oil
Oasis Gel
All-Natural Emollient
Protector Case
Heavy-Duty Tool Protection

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